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Welcome to Vapormeretricis Terra, in English, it's Steampunk Earth. The world takes place in an alternate timeline, where fossil fuels never took off as the dominant power source, and instead, steam has. The world is divided by economy, the rich living in floating cities, while the poor live on the surface, or even underground; except for the US, where the rich have the prime real estate instead. WWII is looming in the horizon. Who will start it? The Russian Loyalist Party? The Tractionist Nomad Alliance? Maybe the Rebellion, who just want equality, will accidentally cause it... Join us, and find out.
We're a server run by friendly people, I myself, the owner, am pretty limitless in terms of kinks, so don't be afraid to join if you have niche or "taboo" likes. Just read the rules and try not to start any fights, especially with staff, and you'll be alright.
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Total Members 20
Language English, US
Boosts 0
Emojis 7