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Hey, Vox is an Upcoming EU Team on discord We are looking for promising new players,Active dedicated staff and players who can record so we can promote them online
We Have a multicultural community that is quite competitive We host daily stacked scrims and look to expand our fake fortnite community
Although this is a fake fortnite team we would like people from fortnite to help build up a fortnite side of the team so we could become an esports
Buildnowgg is a 0ping 0 delay version of fortnite and its worth putting you time in as you get to freebuild like you never could on fortnite.
We need scrim hosts
All regions are welcome as buildnowgg isnt server based so you can play on multiple servers without the worry of input delay changing
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Total Members 390
Language English, UK
Boosts 1
Emojis 0