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[UPD] Florida Roleplay Community | v0.24 Logo

[UPD] Florida Roleplay Community | v0.24



FRC | Florida Roleplay Community

FRC | Florida Roleplay Community

   \ 'Benefits' /
  • 'No sessions.' This means that you can (without a session) join the game and roleplay at any time without consequences.
  • 'It's a game made by me, not on ERLC.' This makes it easier to access the game, eliminating server codes, wait times, and there can be up to 50 people in one server.
  • 'Trained Department Staff.' This ensures the best roleplay experience, mostly eliminating FRP, RDM, VDM, and department staff having little to no knowledge on their department.
                     \ 'Our Staff' /

Our staff are the most experienced, and well-trained staff out of all games, and ER:LC servers, most having been staff in one, or many servers and games.

Not only the above, but there will (mostly) be at-least ONE staff member online at > all times, and active developers/development team members, ensuring bug reports, and other tickets will be answered fast.

                   \ Available Departments /

We at F-R-C offer many different career choices within your stay here at F-R-C such as the following below.

  • FHP | Florida Highway Patrol The most experienced law enforcement agency within FRC, having an active S-W-A-T team, many vehicles, ranks, and troopers, and being easily accessible due to it's closeness to civilian spawn.
  • ST | Staff Team The F-R-C staff team has very experienced staff members, who have gone through extensive training, background checks, and more ensuring the best experience.
  • USMC | United States Marine Corps The USMC is a highly classified and trained team/department, that is mostly used in events, and high risk situations, being stationed in (CLASSIFIED) and in the (CLASSIFIED).
  • PBPD | Palm Beach Police Department The PBPD is an undercover based department, specializing in APBs', BOLOs, and Speed traps.
                         \ 'Server Link' /

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Total Members 31

Language English, US

Boosts 0

Emojis 21


