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Come Conquer The Memepire! Join NOW, and become a Valued part of our Unique Community and Discussion server; with a Healthy focus on Hilarious Memes!🥶
Partake in the Plentiful Bounty of: MEMES 🤣 EMOJIS🐵 MEMEBERS👥 MINIGAMES🎲 and... MORE ‼️💥🎉
Engage in healthy discussion and yap with friendly and fun Memebers, quality assured. Bunch of high teir memes and plenty of Emotes too along with an active and receptive mod team who put YOU first, and make friends for life 🗣💯
Featuring Memes, Periodic Giveaways, Bots and Emojis/Stickers Galore: including Minigame and Music bots, theres NO room for boredom as you enagage and enjoy the community and amenities in a streamlined experience! 🔥📯
So Dont Wait Up‼️ Come join us in A Home For The Homies, Just a click away! 🧨 🎆
1 review
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1 star
Total Members 395
Language English, US
Boosts 8
Emojis 207